Enjoy The Best of The Turks and Caicos Islands
Enjoy The Best of The Turks and Caicos Islands

80 Miles across the Caicos Banks for a friend

Feet firmly on boards with their vibrantly coloured kites harnessing the power of the Caicos wind, five kite boarders set out on an inspirational mission to help a friend in need.

To some, the journey may be viewed as exhausting and even dangerous, but to these seasoned enthusiasts the thrill of propelling across the water all the way back to Provo from South Caicos was exhilarating.

It was early Saturday morning, February 28, when the team got to the dock, all prepped and ready for the challenge ahead. They eagerly left Providenciales on a Big Blue boat heading to South Caicos to attempt the first ever kiting journey across the Caicos Banks.

On the rough, choppy ride there, Hope LeVin, Matt Slattery, Philip Shearer, Joe Jardine and Kaja Lepczynska shared a moment where they kind of wondered what they were getting themselves into. Hope, organiser of the expedition and TCI’s star kite boarder said, “By the time we reached South Caicos we were thinking that this was going to be the longest kite ever because of the rough two-hour ride to get there”.

Doubts aside, paired with their trusty support team from Philip’s eco-adventure company – Big Blue Unlimited, Boat Caption Brent Forbes and Hope’s brother, Agile, they were ready to conquer the mission.

All geared up with boards below and kites to the sunny skies, the group took off with their support team tracking them to make sure nothing happened, and nothing did.

The warm weather and a wonderful wind were on their side, providing perfect kiteboarding conditions as they made their way safely across 80 miles (130 kilometres) of TCI waters. The skilful bunch completed the journey in 5.5 hours, only making one short stop for some sandwiches and water to hydrate. Periodically, as the kite boarders needed more water, they pulled up alongside the boat and was assisted.

Along the journey the group passed loads of starfish and stingrays in the shallows, and also saw a few sharks while enjoying a mostly smooth trip back to Provo’s shores. Aside from a tangled kite and a bit of leg cramps towards the end of their journey, Hope said, “We couldn’t have asked for the trip to go better than it did.”

Hope said, “Other than for the great cause it was definitely the highlight of kiteboarding for me in the last couple years.”

In the TCI “It was the longest anybody has ever kite boarded and nobody has every crossed the Caicos Banks on kites before,” she beamed.

The kiteboarding team was thrilled to have completed the feat and were able to raise close to $10,000 from sponsors for fellow kiteboarder Mike DeCamp who needs a double hip replacement surgery and rehabilitation.

They are also aiming to bring more awareness to 33 year old Mike’s illness – Ankylosing Spondylitis (or AS, as its most commonly referred to) – which he has suffered since he was 15 years old.

“He has had the illness for a very long time, but his illness has reached the point where he can’t kite anymore and we are now trying to raise awareness for the operation and then hopefully he would be able to walk and then kite a little bit,” a concerned Hope said.

Mike needs immediate surgery to help him regain movement in his joints and reduce his pain, or the possibility is very real that he will never walk again.

Mike’s sister, Jennifer DeCamp has also made efforts to raise money for her brother’s surgery, setting up a website – gofundme.com/koywic – which has so far raised $13,300 from 90 people in only one month.

The website is trying to raise $54,000 for the surgery and treatment of Mike’s illness, which are not covered by insurance.

In a heartfelt plea for help Jennifer recounts her brother’s illness and his continuous fight to live his best life despite the constant pain.

The bedridden Mike, who has lived in the Turks and Caicos Islands for several years, is a talented artist and owned his own construction company until the day he could no longer walk or work.

Mike’s supportive family and incredible friends are doing everything they can to raise the funds needed for his surgery and rehabilitation. You can assist too, it’s not too late to donate – just visit www.gofundme.com/koywic and make a pledge to help.

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